Tree Nursery Outreach



  • Tree nursery was started at one location in 2006 and moved to its second and current location in yr 2016, approx half acre plot near the run-off from the rice fields in adjacent Kirinyaga County. It has an office, a 7 metres well, a pump, two 10,000 Litre PVC tanks, one pit latrine

  • We grow approximately 80,000 tree seedlings twice annually for a total of 160,000, and over the years this has had a considerable impact on the environment

  • We provide free tree seedlings to all public institutions, schools, churches and markets and sell tree seedlings to individual members of the community at a subsidized price ie. half market price

  • From its inception in yr 2006 we have undertaken an extensive program of tree planting in very many school plots with supervision and follow-up (see detailed list of school plots in schools section above)

  • The tree nursery employed a wide number of casual workers in rotation, from the among the large numbers of needy local single mothers

  • There is a 10 acres tree plantation in two parts, approx. 5 acres each, at Kakindu with mangoes, papaya, medicinal and common useful trees. Some rocky areas have proved unhelpful to tree growth and are being replaced with cereal and vegetable crops

  • The project has established a demo plot of 3.5 acres at Ntheeuni seasonal stream demonstration purposes particularly drought resistant crops such as;- Ndengu (green grams), Sorghum, Millet, Cassava, Sweet potatoes

  • Ploughing of 3.5 acres of Kakindu farm yr 2024

  • Purchase of 3 Trucks of humus (animal manure) for growing seedlings at tree nursery yr 2024

  • Purchase a variety of crop seeds for planting at Kakindu farm yr 2024