The project at first was receiving a lot of group application for assistance in provision of different needs. Due to this demand a program of assisting groups was rolled out.
For a group to qualify for assistance; It must produce a certificate of registration with social services.The application is made to social welfare office in the project. A prfile of the group is done and later the application is brought before the management board who approves or disapproves a certain group basing on the set standards of parameters of operation. Applicants are notified on whether they have qualified or not. The qualified groups are given an okey to deposit 1/2 cost of the amount of the item applying for.
The Project pays for the other half. The group leadership is called and identifies the kind and the quality of items they want. The Project then orders and purchases the items on behalf of the groups. Finally the groups are called to collect their items. The groups use facilities as an income generating venture. This boosts the group financially making it able to serve the community better.
These groups do give the following service to the community;
Creating public awareness on family issues.